Makeup with a title for how to make your Cosmetics last longer

Making Your Makeup Last Longer


Cosmetics are expensive. We’ve all made those $100 trips to Ulta, and still not gotten everything we wanted. It only makes sense to make sure those expensive beauty products last as long as possible!


Store them in a cool area: Storing your eyeliner in the fridge, especially during the summer, will save it from getting melty or goopy. You’ll use less, and waste less. You can also store nail polish and perfume in the cold.

The Beauty of a Q-Tip: Cotton swabs are a fabulous thing! Use them to get the absolute most out of your favorite lipstick, scrape the bottom of your favorite eyeshadow, and dig out the last of that power makeup into the next container.

Broken, but Not Defeated: Drop a compact on the floor? The makeup or eye shadow inside now broken into pieces? No problem! Save it with a few drops of rubbing alcohol and press the pieces back into the container. It’s like new again!

Nail Polish Remover: A few drops in your dried up nail polish will turn that crumbly mess back into usable nail polish.

Stretch Your Dollar: Got a favorite expensive body oil? Diluting body oil with a little water won’t change the effect, but will save you money in the long run!

Keep it Clean: Your very expensive favorite makeup brush looking grimy? Wash it in baby soap and let it dry. Also, you can keep your brush from losing its bristles by taking a pair of pliers and clamping down on the metal part at the base of the bristles. No need for a new one!

Store Smart: Can’t recount the number of times you’ve knocked that glass bottle of makeup off of the shelf? What a waste, and a mess, if it breaks! Make sure to store your makeup in a safe place, safe from you or your children swiping them off of the counter.




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